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Family Law Software

Lump Sum Alimony and Child Support

In some states, including California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania, current alimony is a factor in calculating child support. What if the party is paying the negotiated monthly alimony in a lump sum instead of monthly? How should child support reflect that fact? One approach would be to calculate […]

Non-taxable Disability Income

A client receives income from a private disability policy that is not subject to income tax. Where do we enter this amount and show it is not taxable? Go to Client Info > Income & Expenses > Wage-Like Income. Scroll down to the line for disability income Check the box next to the entry for […]

Imputed Income

If judge says, “Impute $25,000 of income,” how should I treat that income for tax purposes — as pre-tax or after-tax? Ultimately, it comes down to the imputation of income – was it intended to be gross or net? While it is true the party with imputed income will not be paying taxes on that […]

Working with Client Files

We have a new system for working with client online files. It allows you to view and edit the same file the client is currently working in. Start by going to the screen where you opening create files, and click the link labeled “Register Client.” Once the client has created their file, what you do […]

Colorado Guideline update

As you may know, a Colorado statute that was passed last year is becoming effective on July 1. For several months now, the software has given you the option to use the new law provisions. But if you did not specifically select that option, the software would use the existing law. Starting with cases started […]

Pension table updated

We have updated the generational adjustment table of the RP-2014 table to use the Mortality Improvement Scale 2018. Our observation is that pension values calculated using the RP-2014 table are now slightly lower than before. Presumably, this reflects the widely-documented decline in life expectancy in recent years.

Negotiate tab improvements

The Negotiate tab now has a different organization and fewer entries, thus making the most important ones easier to find. Take a look at the new menu, shown below. It is now organized by task — What If, Spousal Maintenance, Property Division, Arrears — rather than by source of income. It should now be faster […]


We have made the following updates for the Coronavirus response legislation known as the CARES Act. Rebate. We automatically calculate and apply the rebate that is coming to most Americans (typically $1,200 + $500 per child). You can see the calculated amount in the Wage-Like Income section. Child support. In today’s release, the CARES Act […]

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