For all users
- Alimony calculator. We have continued to improve the Family Law Software proprietary alimony calculator. The checkboxes now allow for negative adjustment to the payer’s percentage.
State specific
- 2-way bonus report. We added help buttons to “% of bonus in support” to explain how that entry is calculated.
- Judicial Council Forms. FL-150 line 13r total expense field was not carrying correctly. Fixed.
- Judicial Council Forms. We updated FL-342 to the latest release.
- 2-way bonus report. The “% of bonus in support was not calculating correctly. Fixed.
- Layout. On the Colorado maintenance worksheet, we now omit subtabs and header above the income section.
- Minimum wage. We updated the Florida minimum wage. When you specify hourly wages, we default to the minimum wage.
- Arrears. We updated to use the new Florida arrears rate, effective 10/1/2024.
- Affidavit header. We updated the header of the Florida Affidavit to provide more options.
- Earned Income Tax Credit. We have added an option to omit the Earned Income Tax Credit on the Florida Affidavit.
- Parenting Expense Adjustment. For the Parenting Expense Adjustment, we now calculate the lines for overnights, based on the entries on the page where the children are entered.
- Guideline Header. We now omit “2019” at the top of the Ohio Child Support Guideline Worksheet screens.
- HOA fees. We have added Home Owners’ Association (HOA) fees as an expense entry.
- Minimum wage. We updated the Canadian provincial minimum wage (Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan). This is used when you specify hourly wages.