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Family Law Software

Below are the features, bug fixes and enhancements released in the last month for Family Law Software.

For all Subscribers

  1. Multiple income sources for a single investment asset. Previously, if you had a brokerage account that reported interest, dividend, and capital gain income, you had to enter that as three separate accounts, and it was difficult to know the asset amount that should be apportioned to each account. In this release, it is now possible to enter interest, dividend, and capital gain income for a single account. This is a significant improvement.
  2. Standardize calculation of income after-tax. The Budget Report, Support Impact Report and Expanded Report all have calculations of “income after tax.” Previously, however, for historical reasons, the calculation for the Budget Report was not always in sync with the calculation for the other reports. It is now the case that a single definition of “income after tax” is used for all reports.
  3. Customize definition of income after tax. Previously, the definition of “income after tax” was hard-coded to be income minus taxes, mandatory retirement payments, and union dues. Some people wanted to include items such as health insurance and child-care costs in the calculation. Other people wanted to exclude items such as union dues. Now, you can customize the definition of “income after tax” for each case.
  4. New stock option/RSU report. We are gratified by the positive reception from many of our subscribers to the ability to enter restricted stock units (RSUs) and stock options, and the ability to calculate the marital portion. This release adds to that the ability to show stock options and RSUs on a separate standalone report. This is on the More Reports page in the Financial Planner report list.
  5. New logo. We have incorporated a new logo in the software. We hope you like it!


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