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Family Law Software

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  1. Budget Report Real Estate Expenses. There is a small number of expenses that in some states are considered real estate expenses, and in other states are not. Examples include phone and Internet expenses. In those states, we were sometimes omitting the expense from the Budget Report if it was not considered a real estate expense for that state. That is now fixed.
  2. Budget Report Write-In Descriptions. On lines where the user is able to “add another” expense, for the expense description, we were looking solely to the expense description entered for the first party. Now, we are also looking to the expense description entered for the second party.
  3. Arrears. The arrears obligation detailed calculation was not applying grace period. If the statute so requires, we now apply a 30 day grace period to the initial payment.
  4. Desktop. In the desktop software, we made small text changes to text to clarify “Send Back” interactions with File Manager in desktop software. We attempted to clarify that if a file is locked using the File Manager in the cloud, then the file will not appear in the list of client files that may be downloaded. Similarly, the Send Back button will not work in that situation.
  5. FLS Alimony Formula. Family Law Software features a proprietary calculator for alimony that incorporates the best features of a variety of online calculators. We have now made it easier to change the percentages of incomes of the parties that are applied.
  6. File Manager. We implemented several fixes to remove problems and make usage of File Manager smoother. Sometimes buttons could be clicked twice, which was resulting in problems. Also, it is now possible to have a client transition smoothly to a different professional. And files that are “Sent Back” from desktop will now open in the professional’s File Manager.

State Specific





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