FAQs - Family Law Software


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Question: How can I work with Client Online Files?

Answer: It depends whether you are using the Desktop software (Windows or Mac), or the Cloud.

Desktop Software

If you are using the Desktop software (Windows or Mac), here are the things you need to know:

1. You have to update your software in order to download Client files.

2. In the new software, there are two Download buttons, one for files started on or before February 7, and one for files started after February 7.

3. If you want to send files back to clients who started their files on or before February 7 and transmitted to you, you have to re-register them first. (Registering is the process of generating an email, as you do for a new client.)

4. If you want to send files back to clients who started their files on or before February 7 and did not transmit (because you “Took the file”), you do not have to re-register them first.

5. For files started after February 7, you do not have to wait for a client to Transmit. Click the "Download files started after Feb 7" button at any time.

6. For files started after February 7, the client will be able to continue working in their file after you download it. They will not be locked out. And you can then download it again and again, whenever you like.

7. After February 7, the client is never “locked out” of their file. If you Send Back a file, doing so will overwrite anything the client has done since you downloaded the file. Please be sure to coordinate with the client as to who is working in the file.

Cloud Edition

If you are using the Cloud Edition, here is what you need to know:

1. For files started after February 7, you and the client can both work in the same file. There is no more "Transmit" or "Send File Back." This is the key improvement of this new release.

2. You can not both work in the same file at the same time. If one of you is working and the other logs on, the one who was working will be logged off.

3. For files transmitted on or before February 7, you use the Open button, as before.

4. If you want to have a file that the client can not access, simply save the file under a different name, using the Copy button.

5. For files started on or before February 7, if the client has not transmitted, the client can just log in and keep working.

6. For files started on or before February 7, if the client has already transmitted, and the client wants to keep working in the file:
a. The client should try to log in. The login will fail, but the attempt will set the client up in the new system.
b. You should Register the client again.
c. The client will get a fresh link.
d. The client will then be able to log in, and it will be as if the file was started after February 7.

7. For files started on or before February 7, if the client has already transmitted, and you have opened the file and made changes, you have to go to the Desktop software to “Send Back.” There is no longer a “Send Back” button in the Cloud version.