How do I enter IRA and 401(k) contributions?
Enter IRA and 401(k) contributions on the more info screen for the IRA/401k asset. 1. Go to the Client Info > Assets & Debts screen. 2. Click the button to create an IRA/401k asset. 3. In some states, you will be able to enter the associated contribution right there, in the column labeled “Contrib to.” […]
How can I enter an expense that ends at a future date, such as child care, or when children leave the home?
There are expenses that you know will end at a time in the future. These include childcare, and also expenses that will end when a child leaves the home or becomes emancipated. Enter the expense on the Living Expenses page (Client Info > Income & Expenses > Living Expenses). Click more info on that line. […]
What do you think about the prohibition against “double dipping?”
Question: What do you think about the prohibition against “double dipping?” Answer: "Double dipping" is the notion that one should not use the same asset both for property division and for child and spousal support. Most typically this concept arises in situations where one party wants to use the income from the same asset for […]
How can I use the software as a general financial planning tool?
Many people have told us that the software is so good that they would like to use it for general financial planning. It is actually quite easy to do this.To use the software for planning outside of the divorce context, do the following:– Where you enter the parties’ names, set the first party’s first name […]
Family Law Software is giving me a different result than FinPlan, EasySoft, SupportCalc, DPA (Divorce Power Analyzer), DissoMaster, or some other program. How can I get them to match?
If the difference is slight, it could be because Family Law Software updates its tax numbers immediately at the start of a new year, and some of these other programs take weeks or even months to do so. If you are using DissoMaster, please click here. For other products, please continue with this FAQ: All […]
Why do you not have pennies or cents in the calculations?
Question: Why do you not have pennies or cents in the calculations? Answer: Our view is that in general, pennies or cents are not meaningful. We are taking our lead, in this case, from the IRS, which requires all entries on tax return forms to be whole dollar amounts. In addition, we are frequently dealing […]
Why can I not just enter my client data on a screen that looks like my state’s financial form?
As you know if you asked this question, the user enters the data on generic data entry screens that do not look exactly like the state financial form. The data then carries from that screen into the state financial form. Here are some of the reasons that we structure the data entry this way: 1. […]
What if my client’s gender is neither male nor female?
Here is the reason we ask for the parties’ gender: 1. A few states still have headings on their child support guidelines of "mother" and "father." 2. The pension mortality tables are male and female. If there is a defined benefit pension, you should pick whichever gender you think will more closely match the mortality […]
How can I open a file in a different state?
Here are the steps to work on a file in a different state. You may be in New York and have a situation where the action is occurring in Connecticut, for example. Here are the steps to switch the state of action (which is used for the child support calculation) to Connecticut. 1. Open a […]
How do I enter spousal support (alimony, spousal maintenance) of the current relationship?
This will be available from various screens in the software. It does not matter which of these screens you use to enter it. 1. On the child support screen. You can enter the spousal support (alimony, spousal maintenance) on the screen where you enter child support, at the bottom. That screen will be on the […]