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Family Law Software

What if one spouse has contributed to the downpayment?

Suppose the wife has made an initial down payment of $70,000, and the home is about to be sold. In the sale, the parties want it to come out that she would take out $70,000 more than he would. Responsibility for the mortgage, however, is being shared 50-50. What you can do is to create […]

How are real estate sale proceeds reflected in the software?

: When a home is sold, the proceeds show up on the Net Worth and Summary Totals spreadsheets, but not in the Budget Report or cash flow spreadsheets. Otherwise, the large income number would distort the cash flow picture in the year of sale. When you look at the Net Worth or Summary Totals spreadsheet, […]

How do I enter a home sale being used to fund a downpayment?

When a home is sold it shows up only on the Net Worth spreadsheet. (Otherwise, the large number would distort the cash flow picture.)When you look at the Net Worth spreadsheet, you will see an asset shifting from the Real Estate Property column into the Accumulated Savings column.Also, of course, if there are federal taxes […]

Is the tax shown on the Sale of Real Estate report exactly correct?

The tax shown on the Sale of Real Estate Report is an estimate. The software takes the current marginal tax bracket and applies that to the total amount of the gain. This will not be correct if the gain straddles two tax brackets. The View/Edit Taxes report, showing the actual tax, will be correct. The […]

How can I more precisely account for the tax on sale of real estate?

The Sale of Real Estate Report shows an estimated tax amount. But this is only a rough estimate, made by applying a marginal capital gains tax rate to the taxable gain. It will not reflect a situation where the gain causes a change in tax bracket, or the impact of the alternative minimum tax, or […]

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