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Family Law Software

Why can I only open one file in my Colorado Child Support calculator?

The free Colorado child support calculator was always intended to be used only by pro se individuals. We limit the pro se edition only to one file. If you are an attorney, you may purchase the Professional Edition of Family Law Software. The Professional Edition contains not only child support, but also the Sworn Financial […]

I have printed the Court Forms to a PDF, and I can’t see the checkboxes.

This problem can occur on Macintosh computers. If you are using a Mac, you will need the official Adobe PDF reader to see the checkboxes. This reader is free. Search in your browser for “download Adobe Acrobat reader for Macintosh.” Once Adobe Acrobat is downloaded and installed, go to Finder > Applications, and double-click Adobe […]

How can I match DissoMaster’s Child Support results?

Over a period of many years, subscribers have reported that, in general, Family Law Software child support results are essentially the same as those from DissoMaster. Family Law Software is certified by the California Judicial Council, and its results should be accepted by any court. Any differences are likely to be the result of slight […]

How can I show reductions of child support?

When the oldest child reaches the age of majority, he or she typically is no longer eligible for child support. Younger children will continue to be eligible. The total child support amount will "step down" from the initial amount. Family Law Software automatically calculates these step downs. You will see a link to show the […]

I sent instructions to the client on data entry, but the client did not get them.

If the e-mail appears to have been successfully generated, but the client does not report receiving it. ask the client to check his or her spam filter. If the e-mail is not in the client’s spam folder, please try sending the e-mail again, to make sure that you entered the client’s e-mail address correctly.  In […]

What is the Client Cloud Data Entry process?

1. In the file manager, click a blank checkbox to give a client access to the Client Edition. 2. Complete the entries on the dialog that appears. 3. The client will receive an email to create an account and set up a password 4. The client logs in. This screen comes up, and the client […]

Why do the Cloud and Desktop version not automatically synch data?

There are many situations where synching would be a problem. Here are some: 1. Two individuals could be editing different versions of the same file on the desktop. Which would we synch? 2. What would we do if a user deleted a file on the Cloud, should we delete it on the PC too? 3. […]

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