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Family Law Software

The Summary Totals Spreadsheet numbers are best understood in conjunction with two other reports.

These are:

– The After-Tax Cash Flow Spreadsheet; and

– The Net Worth Spreadsheet.

The After-Tax Cash Flow Spreadsheet provides the next level of detail for the income columns.

On the After-Tax Cash Flow Spreadsheet, you will see the components that make up the “total income,” “total expenses,” and “total taxes” columns of the Summary Totals Spreadsheet.

You can drill down into cash flow even further by viewing the Budget Report, which shows each item of income and expense in line-item detail.

The Net Worth Spreadsheet provides the next level of detail for the asset columns of the Summary Totals Spreadsheet.

The “other assets” column of the Summary Totals Spreadsheet is the total of all of the columns of the Net Worth Spreadsheet that do not also appear on the Summary Totals Spreadsheet.

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