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Family Law Software

On the Client Info > Assets & Debts screen,you can enter current income in the column labeled “Annual Income,” or the column labeled “Or %.”

“Or %” will calculate annual income as a percentage of asset value.

Enter annual appreciation in the column labeled “% Apprec’n.”

Current income will be taxed currently, based on the tax category you specify.

If you enter net cash flow instead of a Rate (%), the software converts that net cash flow to a percentage and uses the percentage in future years.

Typically, for bonds, you would enter a positive Rate (%) or Net Cash Flow.

In order for income or appreciation to appear, you must specify how the asset is allocated between the parties.

You can do this where you enter the asset, and also on the Marital Property Division worksheet.

In the image above, this is labeled as “Pct of Marital Equity kept by George.”

The income and appreciation will be divided proportionately to the allocation of the asset.

If there is no allocation, then there will not be any income or appreciation to either party from the investment.

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