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Family Law Software

I am going to testify in court about the pension valuation.

Here are some things you might want to be comfortable about before taking the stand: 1. Interest rate. This is a user entry, although the software will suggest a current 20-year Treasury Bill rate as of the date the pension is first entered into the software. The link below shows 20 year treasury bill rates […]

Why is the pension income not correct?

There are several reasons why the income from a defined benefit pension plan that you see on the Budget Report may not be what you expect. 1. There may not have been any pension allocation between the parties. In order for the software to know how to carry the pension payments, you must specify how […]

How can I enter a military pension?

There is a certain amount of computation involved in determining the monthly benefit for a military pension. Click here for an overview of the military pension benefit. Once the benefit has been determined, though, the military pension may be just like any other defined benefit pension. Specifically, to the extent that the pension is a […]

How can I tell if my pension valuation is right?

Here’s how you can get a ballpark sense of whether the result you are getting from the defined-benefit pension calculator is correct. Let’s assume the following facts: Pension will pay $2,000 per month at retirement Pension will start to pay when client is age 65. Client is a male, and is 50 years old today. […]

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