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Family Law Software

Here are the steps to remove Family Law Software from your Mac computer.

To remove the program but NOT the data, skip the last step.

1. If you are going to delete the data at the end, determine where your files are stored. You will see the location if you start Family Law Software, click Files & Settings, near the top, after the words, “The default folder is:….”

2. Close Family Law Software, if it is open.

3. Start Finder.

4. Click on Applications.

5. Drag the Family Law Software icon from your Applications folder to the Trash. The Trash should change its appearance and make a crunching noise.

6. Verify that the icon is no longer in the list in the Applications folder. If it is still there, drag it to the Trash again.

7. In Finder, slect the Go menu at the top of the screen. Hold down the option key on your keyboard, and you will see an option called Library.

8. Select that option. Then, under Application Support, drag Family Law Software into the Trash.

9. This will delete the program, but NOT the data. If you do want to delete the data, drag your data folder into the Trash. Typically, this will be the “Family Law Software” folder from the Documents folder. Before you do this, please back the files up somewhere, so you can access them later. We do NOT have access to files located on your Mac computer, so we will not be able to restore them for you.

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