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Family Law Software

To configure Family Law Software to work in the Citrix environment, you will want to adjust the software’s Administrative Settings:

There are two folders to set up:

1. A “working folder” for information identifying the attorneys; and

2. A “default folder” for client data.

Attorneys need full read/write access to each folder. We discuss each folder below:

1. Networking folder.

a. Create a folder on the drive where that you wish to store the information that will identify the attorneys. In Family Law Software, we call that the “working folder.” You can name it, for example, “Family Law Software Working.”

b. Download and install Family Law Software.

Click here to go to the download screen.

c. Open the software and click Files & Settings > Settings > System Administrator Options. You will see the screen shown in the image below

d. In the Administrator Settings dialog (shown below), enter the Working Folder in the section entitled “Central Server Configuration.”

e. Click the OK Button

f. You will see a confirming dialog. Click “OK.”

g. Your Working Folder is now set up.


2. Default Folder.

Create a folder on the server for client data. You might call it “Family Law Software Client Files.”. Be sure that users will have full read/write access to the folder.

Start Family Law Software, and click Files & Settings tab > Settings > Change Default Folder.

Navigate to the folder you created above.

3. KeyCode File

Next, you will need a file called “Keycode.lst.”

Get this file from Family Law Software. Request it from tech support (

The KeyCode.lst file will identify each licensed user.

When you get this file, return to the Administrator Settings dialog (illustrated above). Enter a path for the KeyCode file under the heading “Master KeyCode List.” Typically, this path will be the the folder where the program is installed.

Then place the file in that folder.

At this point, you should be all set up.


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