Typically, you are having this problem because of a corporate firewall.
Unfortuantely, if your corporation’s firewall is blocking e-mail from going out from Family Law Software, there is nothing we can do to get the e-mail to go out.
However, you do have an alternative.
Anything that we send from within the program, you can send as an attachment.
1. Documents.
First, print the document to a PDF, by clicking the PDF button at the top of the screen.
To send a PDF to a client or to another professional, go to your regular e-mail program, address an e-mail to the recipient, and simply attach the PDF.
Look for the PDF in your Family Law Software current folder. You will see what your current folder is at the top of the Files & Settings > Open/Save/Send screen in Family Law Software.
The PDF may be in a folder with the client’s name within the current folder.
2. Client data file.
Similar to PDF, you can attach the client data file to an e-mail.
The client data file will also probably be in your current folder, or in a folder with the client’s name within the current folder.
It has the exetnsion “.fls” at the end of the file name.
The recipient will only be able to open the Client Data file if he or she has Family Law Software (licensed, client, or trial edition).