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Family Law Software

Family Law Software web data entry follows current best practices for secure communications, including the following:

  • Family Law Software is part of Centerbase, which has been SOC2 certified.
  • We undergo penetration testing annually and correct all significant vulnerabilities.
  • All data files are maintained on our Amazon S3 cloud storage servers.
  • Access to the Amazon cloud storage servers is SSL protected. (SSL stands for “Secure Socket Layer,” and it is the industry standard protocol for secure communication between PC and server.)
  • Every client file is password protected and accessible only with e-mail and password.
  • Passwords must be of a secure nature (including both uppercase and lowercase letters, and numbers).
  • When files are uploading to and downloading from the desktop software to Cloud storage, or, when saving and retrieving from the web server to Cloud storage, we use Transport Layer Security (TLS). This is the standard SSL and https with encryption certificates.
  • Each client registers on our site and establishes his or her own password. This password is encrypted at the moment of creation and no one is ever able to view it. Passwords may be changed but not viewed by anyone (not even by the people at Family Law Software).
  • Passwords may be changed only by someone who can log in to the client’s email (GMail, Yahoo, MSN, etc.).
  • Every client data file is encrypted.
  • We have removed from our data entry any fields asking for full social security number. We ask only for “last 4 digits.” Attorneys who file forms that require full SSN now have to write that information by hand on their forms.
  • When a client file is transmitted to the professional, we make a copy of the file and store it in a location that is accessible only by that professional’s firm, with the same security parameters that apply to clients (SSL, encryption, password protection, and so on).
  • Client data and user data are stored in separate locations on Amazon’s S3 server pool.

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